December 9, 2018

News Item - Awaiting Survivors

 New York Times - April 16, 1912

Families Awaiting News

When reports of the Titanic disaster reached the big New York hotels, there were scenes of both excitement and anxiety. Everyone was anxiously awaiting news. 

There was a steamship company man at every large hotel who arranged transatlantic passages and he was bombarded with questions to which he has no answers.  

Little groups of families were in the hotel lobbies discussing how such a tragedy could happen to a ship that was said to be unsinkable. 

Whenever a new guest arrived to check in at a hotel, they were anxiously surrounded and asked if they had any new news.

At the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Lord Rothes patiently waited all night for some tidings of his Lady Rothes, who was aboard the Titanic.  

There were some passengers on the Titanic who had booked rooms at the Ritz-Carlton, namely George Widener and his son Harry who made their home in this hotel whenever they were in New York City.  Also booked was J. Bruce Ismay, Chairman of the White Star Line who owns RMS Titanic, which is now irrevocably lost at the bottom of the sea.  No news has been heard about any of them.

George C. Boldt, proprietor of the Waldorf said 

"I had more than 30 reservations from people who were arriving from the Titanic. It seems almost inconceivable that such a thing should have occurred with such a ship. One man was coming from Scotland to this hotel. He is old and infirm. I am afraid he would never make it in a lifeboat.  Some of my dearest friends, people who have been here ever since I opened, were aboard the sunken liner. It is too bad." 


Mr. Boldt was so much affected that he gave up his work for the night and sat in his private office receiving bulletins.

At the Hotel Plaza, Mr. W. T. Graham anxiously awaited reports of his wife, Mrs. Edith Ware Graham, and his daughter Miss Margaret Edith Graham. They were traveling with Margaret's governess Miss Shutes.  The plan was to meet at this hotel when the ship got in.  Mr. Graham, President of the American Can Company was one of the original supporters of the invention of the "Dixie Cup."

Further Reading

People Who Missed The Boat

Survivor Stories

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