The White Star Liner "Titanic" sailed from Southampton on her maiden voyage to New York on April 10, 1912. She was the largest ship afloat, and advertised to be the safest. People believed advertising, helped by the large amount of hype that was published in the newspapers.
Titanic's builders gave her double bottoms and divided her hull into 16 watertight compartments which most experts believed made her unsinkable. There was very little fuss and fanfare at the sailing but her departure in England was anything but uneventful.
As the Titanic moved toward the end of the dock, the action of her passing by had sucked her away from the quay of another ship, the "New York," which was moored seaward of Titanic's berth. Sharp cracking sounds were heard as the mooring lines of the New York parted, causing the New York to swing around toward Titanic's bow. It was dragged back to the dock barely in time to avoid a collision.
On board the Titanic were 2,201 men, women and children. The Empire bedrooms and the Georgian suites in First Class were occupied by many well-known wealthy men and women. Among them was J. Bruce Ismay, the chairman and managing director of the White Star Line, not to be left out of the maiden voyage. Below decks in steerage were 706 immigrants traveling in very crowded conditions many of whom were only comforted by their dreams of a new life in a new land.
Sunday was the Titanic's third day at sea and by all accounts, it was a clear but slightly cold day. In the Marconi Radio cabin, Operator Harold Bride sat with his earphones on but he was distracted because he was working on a list of figures. He didn't stop to answer when he heard the "Californian" summoning the Titanic on the radio. Their message reported seeing about three icebergs, but Operator Bride did not bother to write it down.
At 1:42 in the afternoon, the Baltic summoned the Titanic on the wireless to warn her of ice on the Atlantic steamer tracks. Operator Bride took down the message and passed it on to Titanic's Captain E. C. Smith.
Captain Smith walked on the promenade deck, saw Mr. Ismay and handed him the message. After Ismay read it, he put it in his pocket and went on with his walk.
At dinner that night, it was a gay evening in the dining room. It was bitter cold on deck but the night was clear and calm with stars twinkling in the sky. On the bridge, Second Officer Lightoller was relieved of his shift by First Officer Murdock at 10 o'clock. There had been at least five iceberg warnings by then and Titanic's lookouts were told to stay alert. The officers expected to reach the ice field any time after 9:30pm.
The steerage passengers had gone quiet earlier in the evening. The lights were slowly going out in first-and second-class cabins as most people had gone to sleep. First Officer Murdock paced the bridge, kept a watch over the water but it remained undisturbed in the still darkness.
Suddenly at 11:30pm, the ship's bell struck. High up in the crow's nest, lookout Frederick Fleet strained his eyes as he searched the field ahead of him for the rumored icebergs. But he saw none.
In the Marconi Radio cabin, First Operator Phillips had come to relieve Operator Bride in time to hear the Californian's message chirp into the earphones.
Californian transmitted: "Say, old man, we are stuck here, surrounded by ice."
Titanic's operator replied: "Shut up, shut up; keep out. I am talking to Cape Race; you are jamming my signals."
The time was 11:40pm. Dead ahead, rising out of the dark water was a vast, white monstrous shape directly in Titanic's path. Lookout Frederick Fleet thought his eyes were deceiving him. When he saw the iceberg was a reality, he struck three bells - the signal for 'something dead ahead.' He snatched the phone and called the bridge "Iceberg! Right ahead!"
There was a slight shock and scraping of the ship, then a small list to port. Slabs and chunks of ice fell on the foredeck. Slowly the Titanic came to a stop.
Captain Smith hurried out of his cabin "What has the ship struck?" he asked.
First Officer Murdock answered "An iceberg, sir. I hard astarboarded her and reversed the engines. I have closed the watertight doors."
A few lights went on in the first and second cabins and a few sleepy passengers looked through their portholes trying to see what was the matter. One man stopped a passing steward in the hall and asked "Why have we stopped?"
"I don't know, sir, but I don't suppose it is anything much." he answered.
However, far below in the boiler rooms, men could see that the ship's damage was mortal.
In Number 6 boiler room, water was gushing through a great gash about two feet above the floor plates. The ship was open, exposed to the sea. In just a few seconds, the iceberg's jagged claw had ripped open a 300-foot slash in the bottom of the unsinkable Titanic.
On deck, in corridors, and in staterooms, life slowly erupted again. Men, women and children woke and asked questions. Orders were given to uncover the lifeboats but the majority of passengers did not know that the Titanic was sinking.
The shock of the collision had been so slight that some passengers were not yet awake. Captain Smith ran to the door of the Marconi Radio cabin and found Operator Phillips at the radio joined by partly dressed sleepy-eyed Operator Bride watched over his shoulder.
Captain Smith: "Send the call for assistance!"
Operator Phillips quickly sent "CQD - CQD - CQD - Sinking!"
Miles away, the Carpathia heard the call and sent back a radio message "Coming hard."
The CQD call changed the course of many ships, but not the Californian whose radio operator had just put down his earphones and was climbing into bed for the night.
The sea was surging into Titanic's hull. At 12:20am, the lifeboats were swung out very slowly because the deckhands were late in reaching their stations. Up to that point, there had been no boat drill for the crew so they didn't know to which boats they were assigned.
At 12:30am, the order circulated around the ship: "Women and children are to get in the lifeboats." Stewards woke up passengers. Life preservers were tied on women and children. Some of the first and second-class male passengers smirked at their efforts because they believed the ship would never sink.
At 12:45am, First Officer Murdock ordered Lifeboat Number 7 to be lowered. The women hung back because they feared the icebergs. There were men who spoke encouraging words to them explaining that it was just "a precautionary measure. We'll see all of you again at breakfast."
Then Lifeboat Number 8 was lowered, then Number 5, then Number 6. It didn't go unnoticed that valuable lifeboat space was wasted in the haste to get off the ship; there were only 28 people in one lifeboat that had room for 65 people.
Flares lighted up the night sky as the band played ragtime. At 1 a.m. many passengers knew the Titanic was sinking because the lifeboats were more loaded now. Women's sobs filled the night air, many begged to stay with their husbands. Half-filled boats were ordered to come alongside the cargo ports to take on more passengers but the ports were never opened and the boats were never filled. The water rose higher as passengers made their way to the lifeboats.
At 1:40 a.m., Mrs. Isador Straus was about to enter a lifeboat when she turned back to tell her husband that she had no intention of leaving him on the ship. "Where you go, I will go." She stayed with him.
John Jacob Astor put his new bride in a lifeboat. As he stepped back, he prepared a cigarette for himself and told her "Goodbye dearie; I'll join you later."
At 2 a.m., as the great ship was sinking, many shrill sounds filled the night as the band played on. In the Marconi Radio cabin, Operator Bride put a lifejacket around Operator Phillips who was leaning over his key, sending the coordinates over and over again. "41-46 N, 50-14W. CQD-CQD-SOS."
Captain Smith checked in at the Marconi Radio door to tell the operators that they were relieved of their duty. "You have done your full duty. You can do no more. Now it's every man for himself." He left the cabin and made his way back to the sinking bridge.
At 2:10 a.m., the gymnasium on the boat deck still hosted two gentlemen riding bicycles and another man who was sparring with a punching bag. The band changed the music from ragtime to "Nearer My God To Thee." A few male passengers sang the refrains while others knelt on the deck to pray. The flares were still shooting in the sky, proving the engineers were still on the ship performing their duties.
A shrill scream echoed from a woman who was prepared to jump into the water. She cried out to a throng of men floating in the water below her. "Save me, please save me!" A man drolly answered "Good lady, only God can save you now."
Bandmaster Hartley watched the water creep up his ankles as he and the eight musicians braced themselves against Titanic's slant. Many survivors later remembered the band's playlists.
At 2:17 a.m. the Virginian heard a blurred 'CQD" distress call but then it stopped and they heard no more. As the Titanic's lights start to flicker out, the band members played in darkness as the water lapped at their feet.
A funnel snapped and crashed into the sea. The ship upended to about 60 degrees. Down in the engine rooms, the stokers and engineers reeled against hot metal. Titanic stood on its end, then it took the plunge, at first slowly sliding to her grave, then more quickly.
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Source: YouTube, The Tragedy of the Titanic |
By 2:20 a.m, the greatest ship in the world had sunk. There was one long continuous moan as the lifeboats pulled safely away from the sinking ship, the screams of freezing people paddling in the frigid water. The boats were poorly manned, badly equipped, and sparsely loaded with passengers.
At 4:10 a.m., when the Carpathia picked up the first lifeboat of Titanic passengers, they learned that Titanic had sunk. The cries started to die down as Carpathia's Captain Rostrum prepared the way for 711 survivors. It was too late to save the thousands that could have been saved. As sunrise crested the horizon, Titanic's survivors saw an iceberg floating idly by them, with packed ice jammed about its base and other icebergs heaving slowly nearby.
When the Carpathia's radio operator put on his earphones, he heard that the Californian had been the first to know of Titanic's distress and had been within sight as the Titanic sank.
Source: "The Sinking of an Ocean Queen" by Hanson W. Baldwin