October 10, 2021

New York Times, Front Page - April 19, 1912

<img src="NYTimes.png" alt="April 19, 1912">
Front page, New York Times, April 19, 1912

By Friday, the newspapers had more information to report and they used every bit of newspaper space to do it.  The New York Times went for sensationalism by cramming as much information as possible into their big wordy headlines so it would draw people to pay their two cents for a copy.  

The most noticeable draw on the front page was the wireless operator's first hand account (as told to a reporter who interviewed him and Mr. Marconi) when the Carpathia docked. The second draw fed into the controversy about the survival tactics Bruce Ismay used to get off the ship, intimating that other wealthy gentlemen were left behind.

As always, the numbers of survivors and the dead changed with every issue and every newspaper.

<img src="Death Toll.png" alt="NY Times">
The numbers per The New York Times (4-19-1912)

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Part One of Harold Bride's story

Part Two of Harold Bride's story

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