Atlantic Productions announced on August 21, 2019 that they will be producing a documentary about their dive expedition to see the Titanic, claiming to have recorded the first ever 4K images of the grand ship in the last 14 years.
August 2019 picture of Titanic's hull, now overtaken by sea life |
As expected, the ship has been overtaken by sea life and erosion which has all but made the ship unrecognizable from its former state. In August 2019, a manned submarine from Triton Submarines took video to document Titanic's present condition and to estimate the timeline of future deterioration.
Patrick Lahey, president of Triton Submarines, said that most of Titanic has been reclaimed by the sea as he surveyed Titanic's deck.
Titanic's hull, August 2019 |
In an article published in 2017, researchers at that time estimated that Titanic had about 14 more years before it disappears forever because of a species of bacteria discovered in 2010 that is eating away at its hull.
Picture from August 2019 |
Whether it is 14 years from now or 50 years from now, it is inevitable that eventually Titanic will be eaten away completely.
After it hit an iceberg, Titanic split in two as it sank, taking the lives of over 1500 passengers. Titanic now rests upright two miles down on the floor of the icy Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of Newfoundland. It's been 107 years since the grand ship sunk on April 15, 1912.
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