September 5, 2018

Salaries and Duties - Lookouts

Lookouts were able-bodied (AB) Seamen who kept watch in the crow's nest, looking for obstructions while the ship was in motion. 
  • Alfred Frank Evans
  • Frederick Fleet
  • George Alfred Hogg
  • Archie Jewell
  • Reginald Robinson Lee
  • George Thomas MacDonald Symons

Lookouts were paid £5 per month and received a bonus of 5 shillings for every completed round trip.  

Titanic didn't complete a round trip voyage, so the lookouts were not paid the extra 5 shillings.

They were the only crew that White Star Line provided warm jackets because they were exposed to the headwinds.  Lookouts had to pass a vision test and an acuity test to recognize shapes and colors for color blindness.  However, they were not tested for night blindness. 

Lookouts had separate system for their watch hours and they never worked more than two hours per shift.

Evans and Hogg
Worked watch from 00:00 to 02:00, back at 06:00 to 08:00, off till 12:00 and worked to 14:00 and back at 18:00 to work till 20:00 hours.

Jewell and Symons
Worked watch from 02:00 to 04:00, back at 08:00 to 10:00, off till 14:00 and worked to 16:00 and back at work at 20:00 to work till 22:00 hours.

Fleet and Lee
Worked watch from 04:00 to 06:00, off till 10:00 and worked till 12:00, off till 16:00 and worked till 18:00, and back at 22:00 to work till 24:00 hours.


Examples of the Cost of Living in Great Britain in 1912

10 percent of the population lived below the poverty level.  15 percent lived within poverty.

The average monthly income for a household of four people was £6. 

A skilled tradesman earned about £8.

Unskilled workers earned about £4.

A small house for four people rented for £1 5 shillings per month.


Conversion link - British pounds to US dollars.   In today's dollars, 1 British pound equals $1.28 US dollars. Use the link to convert pounds to dollars so you can see other crew salaries.  I have the converter set at £2 but you can change the number of pounds. 

Interesting Reading
Check sidebar for salaries of other positions.

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