September 16, 2018

List of Deck Crew

Able Bodied Seamen (AB Seaman)  were part of the 55 member Deck Crew which was composed of AB Seamen, Boatswains, Window Cleaners, Surgeons, Storekeepers, Lookouts, Trimmers, Mess Stewards, Joiners, Lamp Trimmers, Quartermasters, Seamen, and Masters-at-Arms.  

The deck crew helped officers set up lifeboats and did daily activities around the ship.  The ship's designer, Thomas Andrews, required a boatswain or an able officer with seniority overa ll the deck crew, to assist him in his daily inspections.

AB Seaman had more training than a Seaman in every aspect of the ship including lowering and operating lifeboats. Ideally, two AB Seamen would be assigned to each lifeboat and take charge if there weren't a senior officer on board.  About eight AB seamen were lost when they went below deck to open E Deck's gangway. They went down and were never seen again. The last lifeboats that were lowered had very few trained seamen to man the lifeboats.

Titanic had two boatswain mates were experienced seamen who managed the deck cranes, winches, lifeboat davits, and deck lines.

There were two Master-At-Arms who were security enforcement officers. He and the Chief Officer kept the only keys to the firearms cabinet. Their job was to keep order on the ship.

There were seven Quartermasters on Titanic. They were highly trained seamen who worked on and around the bridge. They were helmsmen who steered the ship, managed signal flags and stood watch on the bridge to assist the Duty Officer with general navigation.  There were seven Quartermasters on Titanic and all survived.

There were two Window Cleaners who did what you would expect - they cleaned the windows. This was a never-ending job because of the sea spray and salt air.

The six Lookouts worked two at a time per shift in the crow's nest.  They were limited to two hour shifts because of the winds. Usually they were furnished with binoculars but when Titanic left Southampton, they were locked away and the person with the key was not on board.  The air temperature was steady at 28 degrees and a 20 mile hour headwind made for a cold cold shift.  

Most of the crew signed on to Titanic in Southampton on April 9, 1912, the day before the ship sailed, which did not give them much time to get acclimated to the ship so they would know their way around and be able to direct guests when they asked for directions or got lost.

James Anderson, age 41
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #16

John Anderson, age 40, 
Able Bodied Seaman (AB)
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #16

Ernest Archer, age 36, 
AB Seamen
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #3
Died October 18, 1917 at age 42 of Tuberculosis

Joseph Henry Bailey, age 43, 
Master-at-Arms (security, law enforcement)
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #16

T. Bradley, age 29, 
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered


Walter T Brice, age 42, 
AB Seaman, 
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #11


Arthur John Bright, age 40,
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Collapsible Lifeboat "D"


Edward John Buley, age 27,
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #10


Frederick Clench, age 31
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #12


George Clench, age 31
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered


Frank Couch, age 28
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Body tagged #253
Buried in Fairview Lawn Cemetery, 
Halifax Nova Scotia Canada


Stephen James Davis, age 39
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered


Alfred Frank Evans, age 24
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #15


Frank Oliver Evans, age 27
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #10


Frederick Fleet, age 24
Embarked at Belfast Ireland
Rescued Lifeboat #6


John Foley, Age 44
Deck Storekeeper
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland
Rescued Lifeboat #4


James Forward, age 27
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton  
Rescued Lifeboat #16


Albert M Haines, age 31
Boatswain's Mate
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland 
Rescued Lifeboat #9


William Harder, age 39
Window Cleaner
Embarked at Southampton  
Rescued lifeboat #14


Samuel Ernest Hemming, age 40
Lamp Trimmer
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland
Rescued Lifeboat #4


Robert Hichens, age 29
Embarked at Southampton 
Rescued Lifeboat #6


George Alfred Hogg, age 29
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland 
Rescued Lifeboat #7


Harry Holman, age 27
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton  
Body never recovered


Robert John Hopkins, age 40
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #13

Albert Edward James Horswill, age 33
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton  
Rescued Lifeboat #1


Sidney James Humphreys, age 48
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat # 11


John Hall Hutchinson, age 28
Carpenter - Joiner
Embarked at Belfast Ireland
Body Tagged #170 buried at sea


Archie Jewell, age 24
Embarked at Belfast
Rescued Lifeboat #7


Thomas William Jones, age 32
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #8


Thomas W King, age 43
Masters at Arms
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered


Reginald Robinson Lee, age 42
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #13


Charles Herbert Lightoller, age 38
Second Officer
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland
Rescued Collapsible Lifeboat "B"


Harold Godfrey Lowe, age 30
Fifth Officer
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #14


William A. Lucas, age 26
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat Collapsible "D"

William Henry Lyons, age 26
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Lifeboat #4 later died of injuries

David Matherson, age 30
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Body Tagged #192 buried at sea

Montague Vincent Mathais, age 27
Mess Steward
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

John Maxwell, age 32
Embarked at Belfast
Body never recovered

William McCarthy, age 47
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #4

James R McGough, age 25
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #9

James Paul Moody, age 24
Sixth Officer
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland
Body never recovered

George Alfred Moore, age 32
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #3

William McMaster Murdoch, age 39
First Officer
Embarked at Belfast Ireland
Body never recovered

Alfred Nichols, age 42
Embarked at Belfast
Body never recovered

Dr. William F. O'Loughlin, age 62
Ship Surgeon
Embarked at Belfast
Body never recovered

Alfred Olliver, age 27
Embarked at Belfast
Rescued Lifeboat #5

Frank Osman, age 28
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #2

Charles H Pascoe, age 43
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #8

Walter John Perkis, age 37
Embarked at Belfast
Rescued Lifeboat #4

William Chapman Peters, age 26
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #9

Herbert John Pitman, age 34
Third Officer
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland
Rescued Lifeboat #5

John Thomas Poingdestre, age 33
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #12

George Thomas Rowe, age 32
Embarked at Belfast
Rescued Collapsible Lifeboat "C"

Robert James Sawyer, age 30
Window Cleaner
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

Joseph G Scarrott, age 34
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #14

Dr. John Edward Simpson, age 37
Assistant Surgeon
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

Captain Edward Smith, age 62
Captain of the ship
Body never recovered

William Smith, age 26
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

George Thomas Symons, age 24
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #1

Frederick Tamlyn, age 23
Mess Steward
Embarked at Southampton
Body tagged #123 - buried at sea

Charles Taylor, age 35
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

Bertram Terrell, age 20
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

Philip Francis Vigott, age 32
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #13

William Clifford  Weller, age 29
AB Seaman
Embarked at Southampton
Rescued Lifeboat #7

Henry Tingle Wilde, age 39
Chief Officer
Embarked at Southampton
Body never recovered

Walter Wynn, age 41
Embarked at Belfast, Ireland
Rescued Lifeboat #9

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